Receiving Your Items at TC
How it Works
We have a simple 3-step process for sending items into TC.
Please see the contact email for each location:
Las Vegas Location
Bristol, PA Location
Wilkes-Barre, PA Location
Step 1: Fill out a New Item Template
- New Item Templates are just a one-time setup—when you first introduce a new product to our WMS.
- Instructions are found within the template.
- Please provide the UPC for each new item. Weight and dimensions are encouraged as well.
- TC-New Item Template
Step 2: Fill out an Inbound Receipt Template
- Inbound receipt templates should be filled out each time you plan to send us a product.
- The reference number should match records indicated on receiving documents such as packing slips and BOL.
- The SKU must exist in our system for you to fill out this template. If you are unsure whether or not a SKU exists, please run a stock status report and be sure to click “Show All (include zero on hand).”
- TC-Inbound Receipt Template
Step 3: Email templates to the location you are sending items to
- Just save your template(s) as a regular excel file and send it over to the respective party!
- You will receive an automatic notification with a transaction report of the goods received, no later than 24 hours from the time it was received on the dock.
Important to Note
Just a few other things. 🙂
• Please double check the units received on the Receipt Transaction are accurate to what you ordered on your PO.
• All BOL’s are signed “Subject to Count” as large quantity shipments are processed once off-loaded from the truck. We cannot be held responsible for shortages from the Vendor/Supplier. 🙁